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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 18, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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road in south san jose. he was pronounced dead at the scene. before he crashed, it seems he tried to run over the officer who was in the middle of conducting a traffic stop near capital expressway and towers lane. the officer had to jump out of the way to avoid being hit by that suv. he got in his patrol car to go after the vehicle trying to get away an southbound 101. the suspect turned off vehicles on the stolen suv to try to escape. he eventually lost control and crashed. >> officers were able to make contact with two juvenile females who exited the vehicle. they also went down the ravine and contacted the suspect driver who was ejected out of the vehicle. they took him into custody. san jose fire was on scene almost immediately. they tended to the suspect. the suspect died from his injuries from the vehicle accident while in police custody. >> reporter: the two female passengers were taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries and detectives from the san jose
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police department's traffic investigations unit are continuing with this ongoing investigation. live in south san jose, i'm arturo santiago, "today in the bay." in palo alto, a homeless man is injured after being shot several times in the leg and this morning the person who pulled that trigger is still on the loose. officers found the 30-year-old victim in the front yard of a home on runnymede street sunday afternoon. police say a car linked to that shooting was found nearby but no arrests have been made and the motive remains unknown. new details this morning about a deadly ferry crash over the weekend when a speed boat slammed into the golden gate ferry. bob redell is live at the ferry building in san francisco with what else we might learn today. bob? >> reporter: the marin county sheriff's office is supposed to release the names of the person killed and the person injured when their pleasure craft crashed into a golden gate ferry
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over the past weekend and the coast guard tells us that next week they'll release their findings and explanation as to why these two vessels crashed into each other. it was around 4:00 saturday afternoon when a 22-foot boat that was reportedly speeding collided with one of the golden gate ferries on its way to the ferry terminal here in san francisco. the crash took place in raccoon strait. a waterway south of tiburon near angel island. two people on that boat were flown to the hospital. one died yesterday. the other still recovering from their injuries. and you should be able to see in the video the front of the pleasure craft sustained the most damage. the windshield was crushed where the person was piloting that boat was standing. the boat did not sink. it was able to be towed away. the 500 people aboard the ferry, none were hurt. five crew members have been drug tested and placed on administrative leave which is typical when you have an accident like this. report be live at the ferry
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terminal in san francisco, bob redell, "today in the bay." thanks, bob. let's check in with christina loren here to tell us about a crispy cool start to the day. looks like a cold week ahead. >> i was so used to using the 70s when i was punching in high temperatures last week. today only get to bring them to the mid 50s. we need the change. it's still winter. we need the rain on the way tomorrow. 43 to start the day. 38 good morning to you in gilroy. closer to 50 in oakland this morning. and a much cooler day on tap. temperatures tumbling by 10 to 15 degrees on average from where we were over the weekend where it was beautiful. areas of drizzle on the way this morning. throughout tomorrow, the cold system arrives. it's going to bring snow levels down to 2,000 feet. that's foothill level and it will bring in isolated thunderstorms and we're looking tomorrow for some of these thunderstorms to create hail. the best chance for that will be tomorrow afternoon over the higher elevations. we'll watch it closely for you. from nbc bay area weather department all day long. as we head throughout the latter
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portion of the week, temperatures are going to warm up just a touch. we'll bring sunshine back out. overall looking a lot cooler and cloudier than every single day last week. 57 degrees inland. bayside, 56. at the coast, 53 for you. we break into the 40s tomorrow. i'll time that system out to your doorstep in my next report. stick around if you can. if you can't, here's mike to help you out. >> got to go. looking toward fremont. we're going on 880 not a problem south or north equally smooth and lighter volume of traffic. we're starting to build a few more cars and headlights southbound and taillights northbound. show you the same area on the maps. we see slowing south toward mission but just a blip. just north of there heading past stevenson for 880. 680 shows unusual slowing both directions did have slowdown reported as you come toward that washington exit at the top of the hill heading into sunol. now we just see southbound side showing slowdown again. that might be from cars hitting the area because live camera
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didn't show problems. 580 and 680 commute directions. no issues. that dublin interchange smoother coming out of livermore. slow coming out of castro valley. we'll track that carefully because we don't want anything unexpected to catch you. north 680 through olympic. between olympic and 24 interchange reports of a stall where there's only three lanes of that 680 connection north of there and it sounds like a stall in your middle lane so we'll expect slowing perhaps a traffic break. we'll track what chp lets me know about. live look outside shows you traffic coming across that bay bridge very light still. no metering lights obviously in effect. not even a backup for cash lanes. live look at south bay. this is san jose 101 northbound underneath 680 and we'll show you the wider view of the south bay coming up. >> thank you. 6:07. heads-up for you. before you pack your lunch today, a warning about a widespread spinach recall. taylor farms recalling organic baby spinach problems.
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california among the 39 states where the product is sold. that spinach sold under several brand names we listed them for you to read and check on your screen. affected spinach is sold in five ounce and 16 ounce trays and they have a best by date of february 24th. coming up, ready to rally. >> i love to be here. as soon as they allow me to and there's facilities to use, i try to be here. >> we head south to scottsdale just ahead. we can read a lot into the nook by barnes & noble. the plot thickens. a frat party. the fight over watered down whisky. the bourbon backlash that's leading maker's mark to backtrack this morning. we'll have that story just ahead. let's take you out to the beautiful bay bridge waiting for the sun's arrival. have you had the day off today?
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enjoy it if you get a chance. change in that forecast. 6:08. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals.
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fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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good monday morning to you. waiting for the sun's arrival. this is a live look outside at the south bay overlooking san jose. mike has a look at that morning commute. christina will have the forecast. change for this week. it's 6:11. new video to show you this morning out of tampa, florida. firefighters there battling a massive blaze. this is at a recycling facility. fire officials say a big pile of metal there 30 to 40 feet high is on fire. they've been getting creative here using a bulldozer to move some of that metal away from the blazing heap of debris.
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firefighters also to be very safe had to move a tanker truck full of diesel away from the flames. it's 6:11. time for a quick check of the day's other top stories. a man is dead after a police pursuit overnight. a driver tried to run over an officer in san jose. officers pursued the suspect until he eventually lost control rolling that car. the suspect died at the scene. venezuelan president hugo chavez underwent cancer treatment in cuba. the government releasing new photos of chavez with his two daughters. a spokesman says he's recovering from a respiratory illness that made speaking very difficult. the white house leaked a new immigration reform proposal as lawmakers struggle to find a bipartisan solution. the white house proposal would protect millions of immigrants and give them a path to citizenship. it does not provide more border protection which is a key priority for republicans. time to check business and
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tech right now. the nook was supposed to save barnes & noble. the reader. >> scott mcgrew says the device is dragging that book chain down. >> the nook is a fine device as far as it goes. great for reading but it just cannot keep up with the ipad and the kindle. amazon and apple constantly upgrading their devices and outspending barnes & noble on advertising. the book seller has warned that the nook would cause more than a billion dollars in losses for the year. barnes & noble was supposed to report profits tomorrow but since delayed that. a delay is never a good sign. it's actually not the only company to do so. tesla was supposed to open books last week before it also unexpectedly called a time-out. the new date is wednesday. key number is how much working capital tesla has. that's the total amount of money on hand not counting people's
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deposits. markets are closed. a medal of honor winner closing friday's markets. they are closed today for washington's birthday. now, not the presidents day. the equities market very traditional and point out that presidents day is not an official name. although the third monday in february has popularly known as presidents day, the nyse's designation of washington's birthday as a national holiday follows the form of federal holiday outlined above of united states code. if you get to work today and someone says it's presidents day, you say no, sir, it is not. >> you tell macy's that. you tell macy's that. >> i said good day, sir. >> you can't handle the truth. >> scott mcgrew, thank you very much. >> rough for a monday morning. >> i like that. bringing edge today. >> giants are fired up for spring training.
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>> few more excited than hunter pence. he knows how to get those troops going. let's go down to scottsdale for more on spring training with laurence scott. >> reporter: good morning. all great teams need energy, guys. the giants certainly have several of these kind of guys. one especially known for helping get the guys going. inspirational leader and fiery competitor. those are the words outfielder hunter pence is frequently described. this is his first spring training with the giants having joined the team mid season last year and he couldn't wait to get cracking. >> i love to be here. as soon as they allow me to and there's facilities to use, i try to get her. >> reporter: pence is hungry tory live the glory experience in last season's world series run and knows the work starts now. >> we have good chemistry with these guys. we had a great run last year. that is a new year. it's a new league. it's not the same.
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it's great to have the good that went through what we went through last year and looking forward to challenge of this year. >> thrilled to have found a team and place that fits the passion he brings to the game. >> i'm grateful. grateful to be a part. it's bigger than any one person. it's a whole city. whole organization. a lot of work. if you are able to be part of that, it's very humbling. >> reporter: hunter loves every aspect of the game. a start of energy. >> thanks. the giants plan to put pablo sandoval through an extra round of conditioning this spring. the third baseman says. he'll fight it. sandoval will do extra conditioning early in the morning. he'll be looking good. >> he's supposed to be robust.
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golden state warriors get back to work. david lee represented back in 1997. lee got in the game scored six points and he helped the west win that game beating the east 143-138. not a defensive showdown. three other warriors also took part in the festivities. in the three-point competition and in the rising stars game. >> have you heard about this? nascar's danica patrick made history. she's the first woman to qualify in the top spot for the daytona 500. the 30 year old claimed the pole position yesterday posting a lap of 196 miles per hour. now until now no other woman has qualified higher than ninth at daytona. patrick will try to win that race on sunday. >> great for sports. lots of attention. >> i love seeing women break
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through any sort of sport. especially the things that guys are known for. that's huge. 6:17. we're looking good out there. a live look at what's happening high atop the ferry building. look at that. we have two american flags on this washington's birthday/presidents day/scott mcgrew muddling things up for us this morning. it's muddled. greatest part about being in the bay area is the beautiful weather that we get around here. we had gorgeous conditions. you see we widen out for you. foggy. gorgeous conditions over the weekend. today we're going to go back to that standard winter weather pattern. we'll get the fog in the morning and then the fog breaks apart for part of the day and we won't see too much sunshine. overall not too bad. we are not talking about heavy downpours or cold snow. we may get snow at low levels tomorrow morning. not expecting a lot. what happens is whenever we have cold systems coming through during the coldest point of the day happening quite a few times
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recently, we get our snow levels down to 2,000 feet. we could see a mix of rain and snow yet again right down to the valley floor level tomorrow morning. we'll be watching that for you. overall this will usher in a lot colder air and we're talking about rain on the way for tomorrow and a lot of it. we stop the clock at 10:00 a.m. moderate rainfall coming down over the greater bay and area and cold enough at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow for a mix of rain and snow on top of mt. hamilton. this is where it gets interesting. you see the pink around tahoe. they could pick up maybe a foot of fresh powder. this is a much welcome weather system. near records as cold air rushes in behind that system on wednesday morning. that's going to keep temperatures nice and cool all week long. so today even with upper 50s, jon kelley pointed out it will be one of the warmest days of the entire week. get done what you need to outdoors. 57 in livermore. throughout tomorrow, 49 degrees. that's it. temperatures are only going to
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climb into the 40s. as we head into wednesday and thursday, a mix of clouds. a little bit of sunshine. more sun than clouds all week long. by friday getting more sunshine. temperatures will climb to the 60s as a result inland. and then this weekend the sun comes back out. we still stay mild temperaturewise. no 70s at least on this seven-day forecast. 6:19. let's check that drive. good morning. >> good morning. we have been talking about this. a lot of schools and businesses off today depending on where your schedule is you may have the entire week off for your school. we're expecting a lighter volume of traffic. south bay not showing major concern. the yellow just down to 60. no big slow spots. there's a concert at hp pavilion tonight. pink will be playing tonight. keep that in mind after work if you are working. palo alto, a nice smooth flow along the peninsula. 101 shows a nice drive northbound past the university avenue shopping center. home depot and no problem. no slowing southbound side very light and back down to south bay. north toward dumbarton bridge a
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note of today's special schedule. no dumbarton express. vta typical schedule there. another look outside. san mateo bridge moving smoothly. this is westbound with commute direction over toward high-rise and peninsula. look at that clear view. eastbound coming over toward hayward side a smooth drive. we'll check over at the maze and see how things are shaping up here. north 880 and west 580 through oakland toward 24 and maze itself a smooth drive here. surface streets showing you slowing. that's it. east shore freeway clear for roads that's it. we'll tell you about transit as well. b.a.r.t., we do have saturday schedule. 17 trains. they are on time. muni also saturday schedule. ac transit sunday schedule. caltrain check the website. modified for today. we'll end with a live look at the north bay. south 101 picking up a tad bit of volume. as far as slowing, none to speak of from novato through san rafael.
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back to you. coming up, maker's mark is the bull's eye for backlash. why the bourbon company is reversing their decision to water down whisky just ahead. a full dose of sfo. live look over the city right now. traffic there not too bad on this holiday monday. it's presidents out there. you shouldn't hit too much on the traffic front. we're back in a matter of minutes.
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overnight to celebrate presidents day, red, white and blue at the empire state building. they'll have the display going all day long through today. presidents day of course honoring all american presidents specifically focusing on george washington and abraham lincoln. today a kentucky classic keeping its original flavor down to the last drop. customers convinced the producers of maker's mark to reverse a decision cutting the amount of alcohol in its bottles. last week the company announced plans to lower the alcohol volume from 48% to 42% because of a supply shortage. they got a massive backlash from customers on social media and the company says it will restore the alcohol content back to its
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original high level. >> high being the key word there. yeah. nothing like free publicity either. 6:25 right now. christina loren is here to tell us about low temperatures coming our way. >> the opposite of where we enjoyed the weekend. it was so nice. temperatures were in the mid to upper 70s on saturday. today we're only talking about mid to upper 50s at best. 57 degrees inland. 56 by the bay. at the coast 53 degrees. we have a potent winter storm on the way. that means tahoe snow potentially pea sized hail right here in the bay area. and a lot of rain headed our way. we'll time that out for you coming up in the next half hour. first, want to take a look at your morning rush hour drive if there is such a thing this morning. good morning, mike. >> good morning. the rush may be to get out there because it's so very nice an easy right now. u altamont pass upper 50s or mid 50s at the worst. heading toward greenville, that typically is jammed up by now. look at that.
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no major problems. slowing approaching north livermore avenue. smooth toward the dublin interchange and south on 680 through pleasanton. a little slowing for the castro valley y coming west on 580 and north on 238 and 880 starting to build a little bit through hayward and into union city. live look at the bay bridge. no problems at the toll plaza itself. cash lanes show a couple cars waiting but that's the only drama. the fastrak lanes a smooth drive and down the east shore freeway no problem along the berkeley curve. it's a holiday for many businesses. we'll talk about mass transit schedule coming up. still ahead, a travel warning over a kidnapping concern at a tourist hot spot. the president's immigration plan is leaked. we'll tell you why the white house is downplaying the proposal and what republicans are saying about its chances on capitol hill just ahead. right now a live look over san jose. down to the south bay here. a tribute to jimmy hendricks
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there. a purple haze over the sky. one of my favorite artists. back in moments.
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the president's plan for a pathway to citizenship leaked. why the white house is working on immigration proposal of its own and what republicans are saying about its chances for survival just ahead. plus an out of control car crashes after nearly running over a police officer. the violent end to an overnight chase just ahead. high stakes on the high seas. sailors cruising their way to a world record just ahead. let's take you outside for a live look at the bay bridge. a lot of activity going on as far as lights are concerned. nice shot there with the low hanging clouds coming up christina loren will fill you in on all of the weather forecast just ahead. on monday, february 18th. presidents day. this is "today in the bay."
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it is 6:30. good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. we do have an update to breaking news we're following in san jose. police are investigating a pursuit that ended in a deadly crash. police say an officer was conducting a traffic stop when an suv tried to run over him. the suspect lost control and eventually crashed near monterey road. the driver died at the scene. two young girls in the suv were taken to the hospital. this morning officers are still at that scene investigating. arturo santiago gathering more information for us. he'll bring us a live report coming up in 15 minutes. it's confirmed. president obama's chief of staff says the white house has been working on its very own immigration reform plan. the only reason why the world knows now about this private plan is because it leaked over the weekend. a lot of republicans are very
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upset. "today in the bay's" marla tellez in our newsroom with more on this growing immigration controversy. marla, good morning. >> good morning. details of the president's plan were printed by "usa today" on saturday and here we are monday morning and some lawmakers still say the leak was no accident even though the white house swears it was. the leak comes just as the small group of democrats and republicans are working behind the scenes on a compromise immigration bill that is set to be unveiled next month. this much different white house plan would immediately protect 11 million illegal immigrants and allow them to become citizens within eight years. it does not guarantee ramped up border security first and foremost which is what republicans want. as you're about to hear, the obama administration says it is nothing more than a backup plan in case current efforts fall apart but many republicans aren't buying it. >> looking for a partisan advantage and not a bipartisan
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solution. >> we'll have an option that we'll be ready to put out there. >> that was president's chief of staff on "meet the press." we spoke to an official with a network here in the bay area which is a grassroots faith based organization that supports immigrant rights and reform. he says the way to become a citizen under the president's plan is simply too long. >> eight years, that's not a solution. far from it. >> he goes on to say an immigration bill should work to keep families together. if the white house proposal came up for a vote today, the gop says it would be dead on arrival. as for the bipartisan bill, we're expecting to see it next month. it may not be voted on until summer. laura? >> thank you very much, marla. 6:33. the u.s. embassy in peru is warning travelers about a possible kidnapping threat. the government dismisses the warning but the u.s. embassy says the threat is credible. it comes from a terrorist group.
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the warning applies to tourists and to u.s. embassy personnel not allowed to visit the region unless they're an official on business which is restricted. 6:33 right now. here in the bay area if you plan on travel on public transit today, expect schedule changes on this presidents day. b.a.r.t. and muni now running on their saturday schedule. golden gate transit running its sunday schedule for both buses and ferries. caltrain on a modified holiday schedule and ac transit is on its sunday schedule right now. with that in mind, let's check in with mike inouye with a look at that monday morning holiday commute. >> b.a.r.t. just shy of 20 trains so usually we have 45, 50 trains. less trains all on time. you talk about changes. bay bridge also has a different flow. it's flowing. here's the shot from the toll plaza. no backup. no metering lights on the east shore freeway. we'll look at maps.
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we'll show you vicinity of the maze not a problem. no major issues even down the east shore freeway at the arrow pointing in your commute direction. not a problem. the orange section there is a surface street off 24 between 24 and east shore freeway. that's the only issue. a bit more volume. north 680 by olympic. earlier stall just about cleared from the roadway. may find slowing near the 24 interchange as they get that car off the roadway. live look outside to show you san mateo bridge smooth drive. building just a tad bit with taillights westbound toward the peninsula. low clouds drifting into this shot. we can see the high-rise. not a problem for drivers. south bay as well. san jose shows tiny bit of a build. i'll show you a wider look at the south bay coming up. christina, speaking of south, we're talking santa cruz weather last week. >> you can tell the difference right off the bat this morning. good morning to you. a live look coming in from san bruno overlooking the bay. you can see here we do have some blue sky and the winds are
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actually helping to keep the fog from settling to the surface. a general view over the bay area. mostly cloudy conditions. those low clouds settling in. we'll see sunshine for today but not much. limited sunshine means much cooler temperatures. we'll hold off on the rain and steady, heavy rain until tomorrow. 39 in gilroy right now. 43 to start the day in san jose. 45 degrees. good morning to you in san mateo. day part forecast hour by hour forecast looks like this. at noon today, mostly cloudy conditions. temps in the upper 40s, low 50s. rounding out 57 inland. 56 bayside. 53 at the coast. for tomorrow, this is what you need to keep in mind. bulk of the moisture from upcoming storm will come through between 4:00 and 10:00 a.m. on tuesday. snow levels dropping to 2,000 feet. isolated thunderstorms. pea to dime sized hail sppossib. we'll talk about best chances for that and how long we'll deal with shower activity in my next report. back to you.
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a sailing trip that included a stop in san francisco now in the history books. it took an international sailing crew a little over 47 days to travel 13,000 miles from new york to san francisco around the cape horn off the southern tip of south america. the trip beat the old record set in 1998 by nearly 11 days. the nine-member crew said the trip wasn't easy as waves in the southern ocean can get up to 50 feet high. it didn't stop them. >> they were determined. all right. 6:37. still ahead from a gold medal podium to the iron bars of a jail cell as new evidence emerges against oscar pistorius. we'll tell you why a blood y cricket bat could derail the defense against murder charges. we'll have that just ahead. a tragic ending to a troubled life. what we're learning about the death of country singer mindy
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mccready. >> an outside for a live look of the golden gate bridge and that traffic as mike said flowing very smoothly on a holiday monday. presidents day.
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an autopsy will likely soon be done on country singer mindy mccready.
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the 37 year old was found dead on her front porch. the same porch where her boyfriend died of an apparent suicide just weeks ago. mccready had been struggling with drugs and alcohol throughout her life recently. she leaves behind two young sons. double amputee oscar pistorius remains behind bars this morning. he's charged with valentine's day shooting death of his girlfriend, model reeva steenkamp. a local newspaper says a bloody cricket bat was found near the home and steenkamp's skull was crushed. he canceled all track races for the foreseeable future. coming up, a police pursuit with a deadly outcome. we'll tell you how a routine traffic stop leaves a suspect
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dead and a south bay police officer fearing for his life. a joyride turns deadly after a speed boat slams into a ferry in the bay. an investigation into who is at fault just ahead. the surprising reasons people join facebook as an adult. >> people are putting in hours to get our uniforms in our lockers and clothes in our lockers when we need them. >> from spring training we'll introduce you to unsung heros of the camp. an inside look at the staffers keeping the world champions in gear in scottsdale. that's just ahead. >> have to keep an umbrella handy. those clouds will turn to rain come tomorrow. what are you in store for today? we'll check that forecast with meteorologist christina loren. a lot more ahead. 6:42.
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an update to breaking news in san jose as police investigate a deadly crash involving a stolen vehicle and a driver who allegedly tried to run down an officer. it all started near capital expressway and towers lane ending 11 miles south near monterey and blossom hill roads in san jose. that where "today in the bay's" arturo santiago joins us live with the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, laura. we're on blossom hill road just down the street from highway 101 interchange and police just reopened westbound blossom hill road to traffic about a half an hour ago. as you can see, traffic is flowing freely and easily. the traffic investigations unit was working into the early morning hours on this after someone apparently tried to run over a san jose police officer. it happened just after 11:00 last night. the officer was conducting a
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traffic stop. for some reason the driver of an suv type vehicle tried to run over the officer and drove off. the police officer actually had to jump out of the way to avoid being hit by that suv. he then got into his patrol car and pursued the suspect who was heading south on 101 toward blossom hill road. at one point the suspect turned off all of his lights as a tactic to try to get away. the driver eventually lost control and rolled into a ravine near the 5400 block of monterey road. that suspect was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash. >> officers went down in the ravine and contacted him and took him into custody. they immediately summoned for san jose fire department. they rolled out and got to the scene almost immediately. they were tending to the suspect at the time when he stopped breathing and he was later pronounced dead down in the ravine. >> reporter: the vehicle the suspect was driving turned out to be stolen out of san jose. there were also two female passengers who were in the suv. they had nonlife threatening
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injuries and were taken to the hospital. the san jose police department's traffic investigations unit is continuing with this ongoing investigation. we're live in south san jose, i'm arturo santiago, "today in the bay." >> we have new details this morning about a deadly ferry crash over the weekend. sheriffs will tell us more about the crash between a speed boat and a golden gate ferry heading to san francisco. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live at the ferry building in san francisco with more details on this accident. bob, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, jon. this is something that the coast guard is handling now and part of the investigation will focus on, one, why was this pleasure craft reportedly speeding and why wasn't it able to avoid colliding with the golden gate ferry this past weekend. marin county sheriff's office is releasing the names of the person killed and the other one who was injured when their pleasure craft crashed into that ferry on saturday afternoon. the coast guard should release their findings sometime next week.
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it was around 4:00 saturday afternoon when a 22-foot boat collided with one of the golden gate ferries on its way to the ferry terminal here in san francisco. the crash happening in raccoon strait which is a waterway just south of tiburon near angel island. two people on that boat were flown to the hospital. one died yesterday. the other still recovering from their injuries. and as you can see in that video, the front of the pleasure craft is what sustained most of the damage. the windshield was heavily destroyed. the boat itself was able to stay afloat. didn't sink. was able to be towed away. none of the people on the ferry were hurt. the ferry's five crew members have been drug tested and placed on administrative leave pending results of those tests which is standard operating procedure. reporting live at the ferry building, bob redell, "today in the bay." the fog over the city by the bay this morning changes in that forecast we need to talk about.
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>> the rain. been so long. a nice dry stretch. don't wash your car, everybody. that's the good news. mother nature is going to do it for you. 6:48 now. you will walk out your front door and it looks like it will rain just as we see right here over san jose. drizzle possible with heavy low clouds. the main event doesn't arrive until tomorrow. you may get caught under drizzle on the way to work. get ready to use those windshield wipers. you need them this time tomorrow morning as brunt of the moisture comes through in the heart of your morning drive. we stop the clock on future cast. throughout the day today, temperatures will climb from mid 40s low 50s into the 60s in some cities. low 60s warmest cities across the bay for most of the bay area we're talking about mid to upper 50s. we'll hold off on most of the rain until tomorrow. nonetheless, with that said, i want to stop the clock on future cast at 10:00 a.m. this morning. you can see it's going to be soupy enough out there for light showers especially along the peninsula. as we head throughout the day, we will see more clouds than sun. throughout about 2:00 a.m.
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tomorrow morning, the main event starts to arrive in the north bay and it's going to be coming through during the coldest point of the day. we're watching for snow levels to fall to 2,000 feet. that's straight snow. could see a mix of rain and know down to 500 feet. we stop the clock on future cast. by 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, a lot of that moisture starts to push into the south bay. and then at about 10:00 a.m., we get the reds, a little bit of orange and yellow. that's heavy rainfall on the way to the south bay for second half of tomorrow. a rough drive home in the evening. be aware of that. tomorrow will be an active day. heading through the latter portion of tuesday into wednesday, the cold blast arrives. this will drop your overnight lows toward record loefls. it's going to be very cold around here and it will take a few days for that cold air to mix out even with that system heading out of here on tuesday night. today's high works like this. 57 in livermore. 56 for fremont. seven-day outlook tells the story. rain on the way for tuesday. staying cold wednesday, thursday
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and friday. and then we'll climb into the low 60s for the second half of the upcoming weekend. let's check your drive. 6:50. even on a holiday you're busy. >> look at san jose. all right. not so bad here. 101 and 680 a smooth drive right now. southbound side also. there are low clouds. christina talking about change in the weather that might mean drizzle for you. keep that in mind. look at south bay maps. a smooth drive throughout san jose. we just took a look at where you have the slowest spot. 101 at 680 not a problem. downtown 87, 280 and 17 over the summit a smooth drive. only incident marker is pink playing tonight at hp pavilion. that's the only thing of note. to the tri-valley, smooth drive for west 580 and no slowing. smooth drive through livermore. dublin interchange a little slowdown just because of the folks changing lanes here and southbound through sunol and pleasanton also the spring and
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garden show going on. it's slow for the east bay as well. oakland 880 nice easy drive past the coliseum. look at how nice the cars are spaced. nimitz is at the limit from fremont to downtown. look at what waits for you. no metering lights. smooth drive here. look at that. across the bay, look at the bay bridge itself. we see a smooth drive coming up over into san francisco but also low clouds that might be an issue later on in the morning. keep that in mind. changing conditions. back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. a warning going out to students at uc santa cruz after a young woman is beaten and raped on campus. the 21-year-old woman was visiting that campus. she was attacked at 12:30 yesterday afternoon on a wooded path near the upper quarry amphitheater. the woman called 911 after the attack. she says the attacker is a white man in his 30s with a dark
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mustache and full goatee. he wore a black belt with a silver buckle and oakley style sungla sunglasses. in san francisco, police say a man who looks like this is on the loose this morning after beating up two women during separate attacks in the mission district. police say the attacks were random and the suspect was not robbing or attempting to sexually assault his victims. the latest attack was two weeks ago. the first attack was january 6th in the area of 23rd and church street. this morning firefighters still investigating the cause of an apartment fire that sadly leaves a little girl dead and 22 others homeless. family and friends gathering at that apartment to remember carolina godfrey trapped inside the second floor apartment when the fire swept through the apartment building on saturday morning. she was the only one that did
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not make it out. two firefighters injured during that fire are expected to be okay. california officials want someone else to flip the bill for fighting wildfires. the sacramento bee reports for the last eight years the state has more aggressively gone after businesses and individuals it blames for starting wildfires. the civil cost recovery program has had so much success that governor jerry brown is asking lawmakers to now expand that program. before you pack up your lunch today, a warning about a widespread spinach recall. taylor farms recalling some organic baby spinach products because of a possible e. coli link here. the contamination possibly. california among the 39 states where this product is being sold. that spinach was sold under several brand names and we listed them on the screen for you to check. affected spinach is sold in five ounce and 6 ounce trays and have a best by date of february 24th.
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most adults join facebook to spy on their kids? >> a new study says at least half of all moms say that is the reason they join the social networking site. scott mcgrew, according to a study from an educational foundation. >> take statistics with grain of salt. interesting idea that many adult join facebook not to socialize but keep eyes on their kids. it will make it harder to advertise to them. a study created by education online says of those adults who are on facebook, 98% of them have friended their own children. other news this morning, antidotal evidence telling us kids using facebook less in favor of messaging each other using instagram posting on tumbler. we're looking at tesla as well. markets are closed today but tesla will report its financials on wednesday. elon musk says this is the year
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the company will turn a profit. according to the blog all things digital over the weekend a group of tesla s drivers made that now infamous drive up the east coast. successfully. it was a long way to go, short time to get there. one "the new york times" says couldn't be done. >> "smoky and the bandit" reference by scott mcgrew. nice work. let's turn to little baseball. spring training. giants are hard at work on the field. >> also always a lot going on behind the scenes off the field as well. let's head down to scottsdale, arizona, for a look. giants spring training with laurence scott. >> reporter: good morning. long before the giants arrived here at spring training, the clubhouse had everything in place. some of the guys that helped put it all together have been with the team for decades. some of the most dedicated folks in the organization. take a look. the unsung heroes behind the heroes the fans think of when they think of the giants are guys that make sure everything
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is in place and players have what they need to get the job done. equipment manager mike murphy and his crew work hard to get it right. players notice that they never notice anything missing. >> it shows how much hard work they put in because so many guys are coming in and out of here every year. these guys are rigorously putting in hours to get our uniforms in our lockers, clothes back in our lockers when we need them to the point where that's not even a complaint issue. this is just the way it is when you get up here in this organization. >> reporter: one of the guys on the giants staff who during the season is the visiting clubhouse manager at at&t park lets his loyalties be well known with several new tattoos. >> i just wanted to get another one because it's been my living for the last 32 years. after 68 years old, i figured it was time to do it. after the first one this year, i went down to get the other one down in san mateo. that's how it all ended up. >> reporter: one of the many signs that this team behind the team is proud to be part of a championship effort. the efforts by the crew part of
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getting giants ready for the start of cactus league play on saturday with giants taking on the angels. that's the scene from arizona, back to you in the studio. >> very good. spring training there. not feeling like spring here this week, christina. >> it will in 30 days from now. 30 days away from the official start of spring. our days are already getting longer. you notice that. sunrise this morning just two minutes ago at 6:56. that sun will set just around 6:00 p.m. later on tonight. 5:50 this evening we'll see the sun set. days longer. temperatures warmer over the weekend. not so much the case today. you saw the clouds hanging out over san jose. a weather system headed our way. that will keep our temperatures in the mid to upper 50s today. 57 degrees inland. 53 at the coast. we'll have the showers for you talking about them every 15 minutes throughout the "today" show. stick around for that. 6:58. let's check the drive with mike. >> light volume of traffic means
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east shore freeway isn't a problem. 24 westbound the commute direction may be an issue as we have reports of a car fire right there west 24 meeting 580 and 980. i'll track that and update you on facebook and twitter. the north bay will look at that. volume of traffic smoothly. low clouds moving in as christina is talking about. same situation for palo alto. not quite so gloomy. just as clear southbound 101 heading down in toward mountain view. back to you. >> thanks so much. 6:59. time for one final check of the day's top stories. a man dead after a police pursuit ends in a crash overnight. police say the driver tried to run an officer over. officers then pursued that suspect until he lost control and rolled the car. that suspect died on the scene. the white house's news immigration proposal has been leaked. the white house proposal will protect millions of immigrants giving them a path to citizenship.
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it does not immediately provide more border protection which is a key priority for republicans. and south africa olympic runner oscar pistorius set to appear in court tomorrow. the very same day a funeral will be held for model and girlfriend that he's accused of shooting to death. pistorius right now being held at a police station in south africa. that's what is happening "today in the bay." we're back live at 7:25 with a local news update for you. >> enjoy your day. have a great one. >> good morning. breaking news. a tragic end for country music star mindy mccready. the singer took her own life just weeks after her boyfriend's death. mccready rose to fame in the '90s, but her career was derailed by personal demons. we'll talk exclusively this morning to the father of her firstborn son. winter's wrath. new storm is set to hit the midwest as new england digs out from the latest blizzard.
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much of the country locked in the deep freeze. al will be here with the latest. outrage in the air. a man accused of slapping a toddler for crying on an airplane. the boy's mother claims the man even used a racial slur. and he is out of a job "today," monday, february 18th, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a monday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. >> and i'm carl quintanilla in for matt this morning. mindy mccready had been trying to get her career and her life back on track, but the mother of two was tormented with her problems by substance abuse and the recent death of her boyfriend. we'll look


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